Snow-covered treetop path

Dragon Trail in LAAX

The longest treetop path in the world

Snow-covered section of the treetop path

A destination for everyone

The 'Senda dil Dragun', the longest treetop path in the world, not only connects the two districts of Laax Murschetg and Laax Dorf. The 1.56-kilometer-long walkway is an interactive and unique nature experience in summer and winter, featuring a slide, five adventure spots, four platforms with seating, and five marble run installations.

Treetop Path Flyer

Opening hours & prices

Opening hours November to April

Treetop Path
10:00 AM – 3:30 PM (Path clearance at 4:00 PM)

Slide, Zipline & Vertical Drop

You can find the current information on live.

Opening hours May - October

Treetop Path
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM (Path clearance at 6:30 PM)

Slide, Zipline & Vertical Drop
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Prices Treetop Walk and rocks Park Tower

Age groupAdults (>18 yrs)Children (6-17 yrs)
Treetop path*CHF 22.00 CHF 12.00
Wooden ballCHF 5.00 CHF 5.00
rocks Park All in CHF 50.00 CHF 50.00
rocks Park Tower 1x free choice** CHF 10.00 CHF 10.00
rocks Park Tower 4x free choice*** CHF 28.00 CHF 28.00
rocks Park Tower 1x Slide CHF 5.00 CHF 5.00
rocks Park Ticket CHF 7.00 CHF 5.00
rocks Park Season Ticket CHF 70.00 CHF 50.00

* 2 times entry and 2 times exit
** free choice between Zipline, Vertical Drop
*** free choice between Zipline, Vertical Drop, Slide

Activities on the treetop path

Snow-covered treetop path

5 Experience Locations

Five experience platforms with seating, interesting information, and great views make the treetop path a unique nature experience for young and old.

  • Tower Murschetg: All about the topic of rockslide and the debris cone
  • Uaul Casti: All about plants and forest
  • Ravanasc: All about the topic of animals and birds in the forest
  • Dimplaun Sura: All about people and their animals
  • Uaul Fraissen: Around the topic of high seats and observation
Marble run on a platform

Marble runs on the Senda dil Dragun

The Senda dil Dragun can be playfully experienced with a wooden ball in the summer. On the 1.56 km long treetop path, there are a total of 5 ball installations, which are combined with exciting audio stories from the world of Ami Sabi and his friends.

The wooden ball can be purchased at the mountain railway information or on the webshop.


rockspark Tower

The new rockspark Tower provides the ultimate adrenaline kick in summer with three different activities:

  • Vertical Drop: 30 meters plunge into the depth at a controlled pace.
  • Zipline: Fly over the rocksresort PARK and the Snakerun.
  • Slide: 73 meters of spiral sliding fun.

Whether and from when the rockspark Tower may be used is stated in the User Conditions and the Consent Form.

Code of Conduct

Couple walking over snowy treetop path

Respectfully on the Senda dil Dragun

  • Dogs or animals of any kind are unfortunately not allowed on the path. Exceptions are assistance and guide dogs (leash required).
  • The use of open fire on the path is prohibited.
  • For safety reasons, the path may only be used with a wheelchair and stroller.
  • Please behave quietly on the path. You are in the wild in the middle of the forest, where many animals live.
  • Picnicking on the path is not allowed.